
How to Join?

Joining GritGrids is your first step towards transforming your side hustle from a dream into a reality. We’ve made the process simple and straightforward because we know your time is precious.

Here’s how you can become a part of our growing community:



Fill Out the Application Form
Start by filling out our online application form. It’s short, sweet, and to the point. We want to know a bit about you, your side hustle, and what you hope to achieve by joining GritGrids. Don’t worry – your information is safe with us.



Tell Us About Your Side Hustle
No matter the stage of your side hustle, we’re excited to hear about it. Share a brief description of what you’re working on. This helps us tailor the resources and connections we provide to fit your needs.



Share Your Goals & Aspirations
Let us know what you’re looking to gain from GritGrids. Whether it’s resources, mentorship, or simply a community of like-minded hustlers, your insights help us serve you better.



Submit and Sit Tight
Once you’ve submitted your application, our team will take a look to ensure a perfect fit. We strive to process applications quickly, so you won’t be waiting long.



Welcome Aboard
After reviewing your application, we’ll reach out with the next steps on how to access all the resources, networks, and events GritGrids has to offer. Welcome to the family!

Why Join Us?

By becoming a member, you’re not just joining a network; you’re unlocking a door to endless possibilities.

Here’s what awaits:

Community Support
Connect with fellow side hustlers who understand the grind and can offer insights from their own journeys.
Expert Guidance
Gain access to mentorship from industry veterans and successful entrepreneurs.
Exclusive Resources
From how-to guides to workshops and webinars, get everything you need to grow your side hustle.
Networking Opportunities
Build valuable connections that can lead to partnerships, collaborations, or even friendships.

Ready to Transform Your Side Hustle?

If you’ve been looking for a sign to take your side hustle to the next level, this is it. Join GritGrids today and be part of a community that’s all in on making your after-hours hustle a roaring success.
Let’s make it happen, together!

Online registration form

*Please refer to the form guide while filling out the Side Hustle Details and Goals and Needs.